10 Round Assault Course – Shootin’ & Scootin’ [2024]

10 Round Assault Course Featured Image

A while back, our Sean B. recommended me to try the “10 Round Assault Course” drill. I wasn’t familiar with it, but bookmarked it to try eventually. Well, I’ve shot it a few times now, and like it enough to give it some more spotlight here on Primer Peak. So what is the 10 Round Assault Course, and how can we use it to improve our abilities?

What is the 10 Round Assault Course?

The 10 Round Assault Course (10 RAC) is a drill that was made by Ethan Johns. However, Johns was a penname for Justin Dyal, the actual man behind the drill. Dyal originally published this drill with SWAT Magazine in 2014, but he writes for Springfield Armory’s website now too.

The 10 RAC is a 10 round drill (shocker), which begins with the shooter at a little bit of distance, then have them close in to the target. To shoot the drill, you’ll need a handgun with 10 round capacity, a holster, and a shot timer. Your target is a standard B8 Repair Center, and you’ll need 25 yards of distance to shoot the drill.

Shooter begins with their gun loaded and holstered, standing at 25 yards. On timer beep, shooter draws their pistol, and fires two rounds into the B8. Then, shooter moves up to 15 yards, and fires two more rounds from 15 yards. From there, shooter advances to 7 yards, and fires three rounds. After that string of fire, shooter begins advancing towards the target, firing three rounds while doing so.

One thing to keep in mind is muzzle direction when performing the 10 RAC. Now, you should be cognizant of it at all times, but when moving, you really need to make sure that you are keeping your muzzle in an appropriate direction.

Glock 48 Run
One of my runs with the G48.

Par time is 20 seconds, with a score of 80/100 being passing. That might seem like a fairly generous pass condition, but you may be surprised.

What’s the TL;DR?

The Quick Rundown

  • Necessary Gear: Quality holster & shot timer.
  • Target: NRA B-8 Repair Center.
  • Distance: Shot at 25, 15, 7, and within 7 yards.
  • Par Time: 20 seconds.
  • Start Position: Shooting begins with the gun holstered and loaded, at 25 yards.
  • Round Count: 10 rounds total.
  • Course of Fire: On beep, shooter draws and engages B8 target with two rounds. After those two rounds, shooter advances to 15 yards, maintaining proper muzzle direction. Shooter then fires two more rounds while at 15. After those two rounds, shooter advances to 7, while maintaining proper muzzle direction. Shooter then fires three rounds while at 7 yards. After the third round is fired, shooter begins advancing towards the target, while firing three more rounds while on the move. Drill is over after 10 rounds have been fired.
  • Scoring: 80 points or higher on the B8. Passing is considered 80 or higher score, while completing the drill under par time.

Here’s an example of a recent 10 Round Assault Course that I shot:

What Skills Does the 10 Round Assault Course Stress?

The 10 RAC is a drill that takes the fundamentals of handgun shooting, and makes you do them quickly, at distance, and while moving.

Shooting accurately and quickly at 25 yards is no easy feat. 25 yards may seem like bit of a long shot, but is a distance that we should be practicing at. Your average grocery/big-box store aisle is generally longer than that distance, so needing to take that shot isn’t an impossibility. Starting the drill with this gets the hardest part of it out of the way too.

Having movement really makes this drill great. That kick in the pants of “oh, I gotta get scootin'” puts some pressure on you, something that many drills lack. We can make up for time on the shooting segments with faster movement, but it requires a nice balance.

10 Round Assault Course 4.3
A passing run, but there’s always more room for improvement.

Shooting on the move for the last leg is something unique too. This part of the drill can be one that is the easiest, or the hardest, depending on your movement. Knowing when to shoot when moving is a skill that takes some time to build, so the 10 RAC does a great job on working that.

What I Like About the 10 Round Assault Course

This is a drill that folds in a lot that I like, and does it in a neat, 10 round package. We’ve got a drawstroke, distance shooting, movement, and shooting on the move. Many drills are of the “stand and deliver” variety, so getting one in that works in a lot of movement is great.

Obviously, any drill that works in a drawstroke is good. Getting the gun out is one of the hardest things for shooters, so getting more time on that is always a plus. I found that I was generally pretty fast on my runs, so it turned into using more of the time to better stabilize, to shoot more precisely. A quick draw allows for more time to get a good shot at 25, and fast movement means that you have more time to shoot.

I really enjoy the drill, but I do want to acknowledge that it isn’t for everyone. If you don’t have the facilities to be able to do movement drills, then you cannot do this drill. If you can’t draw from a holster at your range, you can’t shoot this either. It’s a great drill, but you need the facilities to be able to run it.

I’m glad that I was recommended this drill, as it has been added to my practice regiment. I love lower round count drills, and one that works as many skills as this one is a certified classic.

Other Shooting Drills & Patreon Link

For some of our recent shooting drill articles, look below:

If you’d like to support me on Patreon, I’ve got the link for that here. Nearly everything that I do on Primer Peak is paid for out of my own pocket, and my content is not shilled or driven by manufacturers or companies. If you decide to donate, I’d really appreciate it, as it would allow for me to continue to bring you quality work.

About Paul Whaley 204 Articles
Paul Whaley is a guy with an interest in practical and defensive pistol shooting techniques with an eye for quality gear. He has received training from Holistic Solutions Group, John Johnston of Citizens Defense Research, Darryl Bolke, Cecil Birch, and Chuck Haggard. When not trying to become a better shooter, he can be found enjoying a Resident Evil game or listening to Warren Zevon.

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