I love revolvers, plain and simple. For a long time I trusted my life to just a J-Frame in either…
If you carry a gun, you likely know that it's important to get both live and dry practice from your…
Last year, I wrote my "(Tiny) Pocket Pistol Roundup of 2023". In that article, I outlined testing that I had…
During SHOT Show 2024 I covered the Zeta6 SnapSafe Dry Fire Disk. While we haven't covered Zeta6 before, I've been…
Some drills require a lot of rounds and frequently moving the target. While a variety of distances can be useful,…
A few months ago we brought you some details on the Snub Round Up with American Fighting Revolver. As a…
If you've been following Primer Peak for the last few years, you'll know that we don't typically cover NRAAM. For…
Man has been dropping things since the dawn of time. From the ball, to rocks, and sick beats, nothing seems…
In the world of skills and drills, there's a lot of focus on go-fast Glocks and Staccatos. As with most…
Ammunition is expensive, there's no denying that fact. Luckily we can practice the vast majority of our skills without ever…
I've seen a resurgence in the conversation about Weapon Mounted Lights (WML) on EDC handguns. Specifically, do you NEED to…
So much advice on the internet regarding firearms selection is written by (relatively) healthy and able-bodied men, for healthy and…
Ok, so hear me out. Sharks are invading the mainland USA. Crazy situation, I know. Well, we've gotta defend ourselves…
I've been shooting a lot of Smith J-Frames over the last two years. I started testing the Smith 442 for…
A few weeks ago we brought you a quick announcement about a new training event. Now that some time has…