Jeff Cooper's "4 Rules of Firearm Safety" are ubiquitous. Everyone who is remotely familiar with guns is familiar with those…
As a resident of the Western portion of the United States, I have the privilege to shoot on public land.…
One of the best things you can do to mitigate risk for both you and your new baby is to…
Earlier this year I spent a few days at home with a fever, cough, and general yuckiness. After a day…
I'm a fanny pack enjoyer. I have been for the better part of the last decade, but I've really put…
Primer Peak is no stranger to the folks at CoolFire. Back in 2022 veteran writer Sean B. had the opportunity…
I have been carrying snub nose revolvers on and off for the better part of six years now. During that…
In the first edition of this series we chatted with Tom Givens of Rangemaster. Today we have the opportunity to…
I've never been a big competitor, but I have dabbled in a variety of competitive shooting bodies for nearly a…
I'm a pretty big fan of the shotgun. While handgun shooting makes up the majority of my practice and training,…
Over the past few years I've had the opportunity to learn from several great instructors. If you've been interested in…
“Up. Look. Press! Down.” The Guru’s commanding voice echoes through the Yavapai Hills that crown the high desert range in…
There is very little quality information out there regarding conceal carry during pregnancy. There is even less information about how…
Congratulations on your new baby, and welcome to motherhood to the first time mamas! I knew going into first time…
The concept of a home defense or property defense bag isn’t new. The basic idea is that it's a bag…