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Conceal Carrying During Pregnancy | The Fourth Trimester

Congratulations on your new baby, and welcome to motherhood to the first time mamas! I knew going into first time…

5 days ago

The Hen House Response Bag

The concept of a home defense or property defense bag isn’t new. The basic idea is that it's a bag…

3 weeks ago

Training Tips: Selecting Relevant Handgun Targets

I am not the mindset lecture guy and there are other, better folks to address that topic. What I am…

1 month ago

Conceal Carry During Pregnancy | The Third Trimester

This is the last trimester before baby arrives! I didn't get to make it far into the third trimester before…

1 month ago

Rangemaster Professional Pistolcraft Qualification | Skills and Drills

In December of 2023 I attended the inaugural Rangemaster Professional Pistolcraft Instructor Development course. There are two shooting qualifications students…

2 months ago

How to Get Training on a Budget | Part 2 [2024]

Earlier this year I went in-depth on ways to continue your training while maintaining a budget. It may be hard…

2 months ago

How to Carry a Speed Loader IWB | Revolver Reloads

I love revolvers, plain and simple. For a long time I trusted my life to just a J-Frame in either…

2 months ago

Drills You Don’t Need a Holster to Shoot

If you carry a gun, you likely know that it's important to get both live and dry practice from your…

2 months ago

Much Ado About Holster Length, or Size Matters

I've written about holsters extensively in the past. One subject that I cover is the length of holsters, and how…

2 months ago

How to get Training on a Budget [2024]

Training is important, though it quickly falls away when times get tough. With prices skyrocketing, ammunition shortages looming on the…

3 months ago