Details on Snub Round Up with American Fighting Revolver [2024]

American Fighting Revolver

A few weeks ago we brought you a quick announcement about a new training event. Now that some time has passed, we have some more details, so we’re here to fill those gaps, so to speak. Some of you may be familiar with Revolver Roundup. For those who aren’t, that is a 3-day event hosted at Gunsite Academy, in Arizona. A celebration of the wheelgun, it largely focuses on “duty” size guns, with some support for more carry focused pieces sprinkled throughout. While Gunsite is the Mecca of American firearms training, it isn’t the easiest to get to for some shooters. Luckily that hasn’t been lost on the instructor cadre. Enter the Snub Round Up.

What is the Snub Round Up?

Snub Round Up is a two day training event, hosted in South Carolina. If the name didn’t give it away, the focus is entirely on the snub nose revolver. Shooters will have the opportunity to train with some of the most knowledgeable revolver instructors in the game. Your ticket buys you a slot in each course offered, ensuring all bases are covered for the training weekend. Topics range from one handed shooting, to snub specific carry locations, intricacies of effective reloads, and more.

revolver roundup 2023
Bryan Eastridge explaining one-handed shooting

Snub Round Up’s instructors are comprised of legendary lawmen from all across the country. Shooters will receive instruction from Darryl Bolke, Chuck Haggard, Wayne Dobbs, and Bryan Eastridge. If you’ve been around here long enough, you’ve seen each of those names pop up on more than one occasion. I’ve trained with each of those men on more than one occasion, and wholeheartedly recommend you do so too.

When and Where is the Event?

Course dates for the Snub Round Up are 03-04 August of this year. Safety briefing begins at 7:00AM local time on the first day of training. For those extra motivated, a facility tour and extra in-brief will be offered at 6:00PM on 02 August.

Snub Round up

The event is taking place at the Sawmill Training Complex in Laurens, South Carolina. The exact address can be found below. Lodging is available on site to ease the logistical burden for those traveling.

What to Bring to Class

Students will need 500 rounds of ammunition for the weekend. There are no caliber restrictions, even rimfire rounds like .22LR and .22WMR are acceptable here. Instructors recommend you bring your actual carry gear; at least one snub nose revolver, a quality holster, and support equipment. I suggest bringing loading devices such as speed strips, speed loaders, a Galco 2x2x2 pouch, and similar.

NPE Counter Robbery
Darryl debriefing a student’s target

More details will come about additional gear through American Fighting Revolver.

How to Sign Up

You can sign up for the Snub Roundup through American Fighting Revolver >>HERE<<

Below you’ll find the details pulled straight from the sign-up page for more information.

Sawmill South Carolina Snub Round Up

When- August 3-4 2024

Where- Sawmill Training Complex 8524 Neely Ferry Rd Laurens SC 29360

Cost 550$ Range Fees Included for AFR MEMBERS through the site, buy as many as you want as a member.

NO Refunds after 6/1/2024

500 rounds will get you through the course- (NOT INCLUDED IN FEE)

Sawmill Has Lodging available on site- CLICK HERE FOR LODGING ON SITE

Students will get training on snub revolvers with 4 of the top “Snub Instructors” in the country.

American Fighting Revolver’s trainers will host a Snub Revolver Round -Up at the Sawmill Training Complex in Laurens, South Carolina.

Darryl Bolke, Bryan Eastridge, Wayne Dobbs, and Chuck Haggard will each conduct small classes daily and the event participants will move between instructors in a “round robin” fashion so every student will receive instruction from every instructor.Topics will include two handed deployment and shooting, one hand deployment and shooting, use from typical carry locations and snub specific reloading and handling essentials for daily carry.

We encourage students to bring the type of revolvers they normally carry and train with and actual carry gear.Students will need at least one quality, reliable snub revolver and support equipment. We also allow the use of sub-caliber guns for this training such as 22LR and 22magnum.


8/2/2024- Arrival 1800hrs In Brief, Safety Brief, Facility Tour

8/3/2024- 0700- In Brief for new arrivals. 0800-1700hrs Live Fire Classes

8/4/2024- 0800-1700hrs Live Fire Classes


Contact BrYan or DB at for any further questions.

Support My Work

If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Writing isn’t my full-time profession, and nearly everything I do comes out of my own pocket. Between ammunition, tuition, range fees and more, expenses add up fast. If you like what I have to offer, consider making a donation to my Patreon.

Every bit helps bring more work like this to you, and contributes to shortened timelines or more in-depth work on my part. You’ll also have more direct access to me, offering suggestions for future projects, looking behind the scenes, and getting early access to some content. You can find my Patreon >>HERE<<

About Daniel Reedy 435 Articles
Daniel holds instructor certifications from Rangemaster, Agile Training & Consulting, and the NRA. He has received training from Craig Douglas, Tom Givens, and Steve Fisher among others. He also has experience competing in USPSA, CAS, 3 Gun, and Steel Challenge. In his free time Daniel enjoys petting puppies and reading the Constitution. His work is also published by Athlon Outdoors, AmmoLand, Recoil Concealment, Air Force Times, and other publications.

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  1. Snub Round Up Q&A with American Fighting Revolver [2024] ⋆ Primer Peak
  2. Colt Python Experience with American Fighting Revolver – Primer Peak

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