

The Problem With Local Shooting Classes

Local classes are relatively cheap, and accessible to even the newest shooters. I recently attended my first firearm class at…

3 years ago

Wadcutters for the Defensive Revolver

From wadcutters, jacketed hollow points, full metal jacket, to heat seeking baby killers and more. Today we have more options…

3 years ago

Advantages of Wearing a Mask for the Conceal Carrier

Until 2020, the wearing of masks in public was highly unusual and unwelcome in American society. They would draw extra…

4 years ago

Censorship vs Free Market: What is Happening in the World of Big Tech and Social Media

The text below was shared by Rebecca Schmoe, the Kansas Director of The DC Project, and blogger at 1 Million…

4 years ago

Why You Should Use Red Dots on Pistols

Micro Red Dot Sights (MRDS) are becoming more popular by the day, and with them, mythology. Some shooters overstate their…

4 years ago

You Don’t Have to Buy the Pink Gun (But It’s Okay if You Want To)

Raise your hand if you've heard this one: A woman walks into the gun store and an hour later walks…

4 years ago

Seven Reasons Why Car Holsters Are Bad

One of the most popular topics of discussion in internet gun groups is the car holster. Some mount underneath steering…

5 years ago

The Pros and Cons of Purse Carry

There has been a fair bit of discussion over the years about viable carry options for women. Our clothing isn’t…

5 years ago

Choosing a Gun for the Women in Your Life

"What's the best gun for my wife?" "Top 10 Guns for Women." "Buying my daughter her first handgun, hope she…

5 years ago

Attending Your First Firearms Class

Things have been pretty crazy so far this year, but it is exciting to see so many new gun owners.…

5 years ago