Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays every year. Despite not being a big fireworks guy, or a big partier, I always look forward to the Fourth of July. It’s one day that people are unashamedly American, sticking it to the British, and celebrating our freedoms. Hotdogs, hamburgers, and beer are the name of the game, with red, white, and blue washing over the landscape like a patriotic tidal wave. If only everyone loved America as much every day as they do on this day. While celebrations are important, we can also take this day to help strengthen our freedoms, ensuring they remain for generations to come. Here are some ways you can help preserve our rights for Independence Day.
Read our Founding Documents
This is where it all started, and why we have Independence Day. A handful of brave men gathering together to build a nation like none had ever seen before. They signed their names, potentially sealing their fates should the revolution not go their way. These documents are the foundation of our great nation, and are held in high regard the world over. Set aside a few minutes to read them, and remember what they guarantee, and what this day is all about. Too few people know what is truly written here, and a deeper knowledge of them will help us to safeguard our rights.
You can find the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, and Constitution online, but I recommend keeping physical copies on hand. I have given out dozens of pocket copies over the years, and carried one in uniform for most of my enlistment. You can find yours >>HERE<<
Get Involved to Support Freedom on Independence Day
Find organizations that support our rights. This isn’t just the Second Amendment we’re talking about, but all of them, from the First to the Twenty-Seventh. Volunteer your time to help these groups, or donate to keep their lights on and lawyers paid. Next, find an upcoming rally or protest if you’re comfortable with that to physically show your support. More bodies means more support, and a physical presence often speaks more than words. Finally, make your voice heard. Write a column in the local paper, or submit and article online about the importance of our rights and what people can do to protect them.

Whatever you do, be sure to be civil, and a proper representative to help gain support. Running around screaming, making threats, and looking disheveled is a quick way to make fence sitters turn against you. Make sure Independence Day stays around for another couple hundred years to come.
Become More Effective
Our nation was built by regular men called up to fight for freedom. While the US is a very different country now than it was in the 1700’s, it may not always be as peaceful as it is today. If you’re like me, you’re probably not in the best shape of your life, and have severely disproportionate skills. Go to the range, sign up for a class, or at least do some dry practice. Hit the gym, go on a ruck, or do some calisthenics in your room before heading out for the day.

Practice those medical skills in case anyone forgets to throw their M-80 or chokes on a hotdog. You don’t have to do much, but get moving!
Build Connections
All the skills and gear in the world don’t mean much if you’re all alone. It might’ve worked for Rambo or Solid Snake, but you and I are far from a one man army. Build your network of people, that way you have a support structure in your time of need. Invite the neighbors or some coworkers over for your cookout, join a club or recreational sport league. Whether you need someone to watch the house when you’re on vacation, or to help during a natural disaster, you’ll be glad you have someone you know and trust.
Celebrate Independence Day!
Holidays are meant to be fun, and Independence Day is no different, so don’t spend all day focusing on the serious stuff. Eat good food, have a few drinks, and shoot off some fireworks. Keep your friends and family close, and bring people into your circle who might not have someone to celebrate with themselves.
Support My Work
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Writing isn’t my full-time profession, and nearly everything I do comes out of my own pocket. Between ammunition, tuition, range fees and more, expenses add up fast. If you like what I have to offer, consider making a donation to my Patreon.
Every bit helps bring more work like this to you, and contributes to shortened timelines or more in-depth work on my part. You’ll also have more direct access to me, offering suggestions for future projects, looking behind the scenes, and getting early access to some content. You can find my Patreon >>HERE<<
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