
Shooting Drills

The Werner 5x5 | Skills and Drills

There is a wide variety of drills we can work on to improve our shooting ability. With an ever increasing…

7 months ago

Rangemaster Instructor Course Pistol Qualification [2023]

There are a variety of skills and drills available to us to measure skill and maintain standards. Some of these…

7 months ago

Shotgun Diamond Drill | Skills and Drills

A few months ago I was asked to come up with a shotgun drill that utilizes the B-8 Repair Center…

8 months ago

Shooting Exercises VS Shooting Drills [2023]

Shooting drills are something that many of us do. Some are quite simple, while others are much more complicated. However,…

8 months ago

The Dozier Drill - A Cooper Classic [2023]

While doing some late night Wikipedia reading (we've all been there), I stumbled upon the Dozier Drill. Jeff Cooper created…

11 months ago

Ball & Dummy - Simple Shooting Drills [2023]

Pre-ignition push, otherwise known as flinching, is a common issue that many new shooters encounter. With this, the shooter anticipates…

12 months ago

One-Reload-One Drill - Simple Shooting Drills [2023]

Over the years, we've covered a ton of shooting drills at Primer Peak. Some have been fairly simple, while others…

1 year ago

Old Bakersfield PD Qualification Course | Skills and Drills

A few months ago I started seeing the Old Bakersfield PD Qualification Course pop up in my social media feeds.…

1 year ago

Rangemaster Baseline Assessment Drill [2023]

I was browsing YouTube one day, looking for more shooting drills to try out. I stumbled upon Tom Givens' channel,…

1 year ago

The 10-8 Drill | Skills and Drills [2023]

With getting into 1911s in 2023, the path lead me to the gurus. Guys like Bill Wilson, Ken Hackathorn, and…

1 year ago