NEW Renegauge Semiauto Shotgun from Savage Arms

Savage Renegauge

Renegauge. You read that right folks, Renegauge. That is the name Savage Arms has chosen for their first foray into the semiautomatic shotgun market. The gun takes cues from both the hunting scene and 3 Gun competition, combining modern ergonomics with a long barrel and low capacity. Honestly I’m not quite sure where they’re going with this, but hopefully a “tactical” model is on its way.

The Renegauge comes standard with a widened and beveled loading port to facilitate rapid loading. Charging handle and bolt release are oversized for easy operation, even when wearing gloves. The stock is adjustable for lenth of pull, comb height, and cast making for easy customization to fit every shooter. Savage has patented the gas system on the Renegauge, proclaiming increased reliability with reduced felt recoil.

Shooters have their choice of four variants of the Renegauge. MSRP ranges from $1,449 to $1,549 depending on the model they choose. Savage Renegauge


Renegauge Press Release from Savage Arms

January 03, 2020 – WESTFIELD, Massachusetts – Savage Arms, makers of the most trusted hunting and target rifles in the United States, is proud to introduce RENEGAUGE. The new American-made semiautomatic 12 gauge shotguns are built for field use, offer hunters and competitors a new standard for both fit and function, and include several patented parts and designs—including the Dual Regulating Inline Valve (D.R.I.V.) gas system.

“RENEGAUGE is unlike any other semi-automatic shotgun, and demonstrates our commitment to innovate as an independent company,” said Al Kasper, President and CEO. “This project has been in the works for years because we wanted to enter a new category in a big way. The team in place now did an amazing job getting this to the finish line. Hunters and shooters are going to be amazed with the fit, feel, function and versatility of this shotgun. And it’s a platform we can and will build on—so look for more in the very near future.”

RENEGAUGE has been tested to the extreme—both in the field and in the lab. Everything in the design is intentional and has a purpose. RENEGAUGE looks different because it is—and it brings American-made performance to a new level. The shotgun functions and cycles light loads and magnum field loads with unbelievable consistency and reliability. Avid wing shooters will love the way it swings, competitors will find it at home on the range, and hunters will trust it in the nastiest of conditions.

The D.R.I.V. system provides RENEGAGUE with the unparalleled ability to regulate the gas that cycles the shotgun’s action. Both low-brass target shells and Magnum hunting shells will cycle the action with the same reliability and without any adjustment from the shooter.

This functionality is complimented by how easy RENEGAUGE is to fit to the shooter. From comb height to length of pull, RENEGAUGE can be adjusted to ensure every aspect of its ergonomics matches its user’s needs.

• D.R.I.V. gas system
• Adjustable stock for length of pull, comb height, drop and cast
• One-piece, chrome plated action bar assembly
• Chrome plated reciprocating components
• Stock rod buffer to reduce felt recoil
• Fluted barrel with melonite finish
• Carbon steel ventilated rib with red fiberoptic sight
• Competition-ready easy loading magazine port
• Oversized controls
• 3 interchangeable flush mount choke tubes (Beretta/Benelli) – IC, M, F
• Hard-sided carrying case

Part No. / Description / MSRP
57602 / RENEGAUGE, 12 Gauge Black Synthetic 28-inch barrel / $1,449
57603 / RENEGAUGE, 12 Gauge Black Synthetic 26-inch barrel / $1,449
57604 / RENEGAUGE Waterfowl, 12 Gauge Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Blades 28-inch barrel / $1,549
57605 / RENEGAUGE Waterfowl, 12 Gauge Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Blades 26-inch barrel / $1,549
57606 / RENEGAUGE TURKEY, 12 Gauge Mossy Oak Bottomland 24-inch barrel / $1,549
57607 / RENEGAUGE TURKEY, 12 Gauge Mossy Oak Obsession 24-inch barrel / $1,549

About Daniel Reedy 434 Articles
Daniel holds instructor certifications from Rangemaster, Agile Training & Consulting, and the NRA. He has received training from Craig Douglas, Tom Givens, and Steve Fisher among others. He also has experience competing in USPSA, CAS, 3 Gun, and Steel Challenge. In his free time Daniel enjoys petting puppies and reading the Constitution. His work is also published by Athlon Outdoors, AmmoLand, Recoil Concealment, Air Force Times, and other publications.

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