
Phantom QuickDraw | Dumbest Gun Product Of 2018?

Browsing through Instagram stories this morning I was assaulted by what might be the dumbest gun product released this year, the Phantom QuickDraw magnet holster thing. It isn’t too often that something makes me shudder like Clint in Grand Torino.

There are a lot of publications that refuse to call out dumb stuff, that isn’t how we play here. Firearm Rack was founded on the principle that consumers deserve the best information. After all, everyone that contributes to this site is a consumer that has had their hard earned cash swindled by someone selling snake oil.

While the Phantom QuickDraw isn’t as dangerous when used with an empty chamber, but then you have stepped into another level of derp, Israeli carry. Use it with a round in the chamber and you are now carrying a pistol with an exposed trigger, an even higher level of dumb.

Do you want to know what really caught my attention about the Phantom QuickDraw? The video below. It was a sponsored post on Instagram and showed up in my feed. If you watch closely, you see the person demoing the Phantom QuickDraw eject a live round.

But. But. But ….. Why?

Here are the still frames taken from the video above, notice what appears to be a single round of what appears to be Walmart special garbage JHP in his hand.

If you are a gun shop owner that is really into the idea of selling people a pure trash product, rest assured that they sell the Phantom QuickDraw in bulk. For the low price of $2,887.50, you can buy 150 pieces of pure, undiluted disappointment.

If you must know more about the Phantom QuickDraw, check out their website. The “holster” (if you can call it that) retails for $35, but you just flat out shouldn’t order one. I would much rather you spend that $35 on hair gel, several bags of unsalted peanuts, or even something as bad as the Alien Gear Cloak Tuck holster.

Patrick Roberts

Since founding Firearm Rack in 2014 which evolved into Primer Peak in 2020, Patrick has been published by RECOIL, Ammoland, Gun Digest, The Firearm Blog, The Truth About Guns, Breach Bang Clear, Brownells, The Shooter's Log, and All Outdoor. When he isn't writing you can find him instructing handgun and AR-15 courses, training his dog Bear, or spending time with his son Liam. See what he is up to on his YouTube Channel, on Facebook, or on Instagram at @thepatrickroberts.

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  • My brother has a phantom one of the best things to have for your vehicle I have seen it in action it's very safe an a smart product you have no idea what you are talking about it's not a good idea to have a gun loaded an just laying anywhere in your vehicle you hit a bump or it falls because u have it laying on your console or seat your askin for trouble this helps prevent that an aquick a safe way to load an protect your self

    • No, Patrick is spot on here. There are a number of safer alternatives for secure storage of firearms in your vehicle, but this is not one of them. It may actually be worse than just sticking a gun under the center console. Here is a piece I wrote a few years ago covering the shortcomings of car holsters to help explain why you may want to look at more traditional safes:
      Seven Reasons Why Car Holsters are Bad

  • Simple question... Did you test this product or are you just being bias because of other faulty magnet holsters? I can list tons of equipment and racking system's, techniques that law enforcement and armed services have used over the decades that sucked when they first came out. As with anything, advancement comes along knowledge, understanding and technology. Again, what grounds do you make your profesional judgement on?

  • He's ejecting the round he just chambered. My guess is he's either demonstrating the removal of a live round after threat is deemed neutralized or he's showing that a round was, in fact, chambered. This mount's sole purpose for existing is for traveling without a round chambered, but having the ability to chamber/draw quickly when needed. You didn't pay attention to the video. That's the most important quality a gun owner can have, attention to detail. It's frightening to me that you carry. Nothing more dangerous than a confident dumbass.

  • Maybe im missing something but if it works as advertised sure seems like a really cool idea. A way to store your handgun in a location and not have it chambered for little extra accidental discharge protection and being able to rack it while drawing it. Seems like a really cool thing if it actually works.

  • I agree with the rest of the responses about this review. There is no explanation as to why this holster is so terrible. Only a dumbass would drive around with a bullet in the chamber and is why this exists. It allows you to leave the firearm unchambered and with a simple double move chamber the bullet and remove it from the holster in really one effort. This allows for guns without safety’s to used in a quick access situation. The reviewer is clearly too stupid to understand this and is obviously salty he didn’t come up with it.

    • It’s dangerous because in an accident the gun becomes a projectile.

      No one is salty here, we just dislike bad products that prey on those that don’t know better.

Published by
Patrick Roberts

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