Situational Awareness and the Postpartum Mom [2025]

conceal carry baby wearing postpartum pregnancy

One of the best things you can do to mitigate risk for both you and your new baby is to practice situational awareness. You were doing this before, but why does it feel so hard to practice now? It isn’t for lack of trying new mama, your brain is different postpartum.

Changes to the Brain Postpartum

It’s documented now that pregnancy changes your brain. It’s estimated that about 80% of a woman’s gray matter shrinks during pregnancy. This shrinking starts as early as week 9 of pregnancy!

Having your baby doesn’t bring that matter back immediately, it can take up to 2 years for your brain to operate like how it was before pregnancy. Most notably, attention and sensory parts of your brain are most impacted by pregnancy and postpartum. So what does this mean for the conceal carrier?

Impact on the Conceal Carrying New Mom

conceal carry pregnancy situational awareness postpartum baby wearing
Baby Primer Peak was calm, cool, and collected at the BIG family Christmas Celebration. No tears were shed as they chilled with mom in a stretchy wrap.

Since attention and sensory parts of your brain are most affected postpartum, it makes sense that you aren’t as aware of your surroundings as you may have been pre-pregnancy.

Your attention is already split and you are keenly aware of your baby. Are they comfortable? When do they need to eat again? Did they poop? You’re constantly splitting your attention between your tiny love and every other task you are doing. Unfortunately this can mean that you are paying less attention when you are out and about, no matter how hard you try to stay alert.

Additionally, you might be finding yourself overly stimulated, emotional, and easily angered. This is also perfectly normal, but still makes navigating a dangerous world difficult. Your baby starts crying as you are trying to finish up your shopping. You feel your heart start to race and your mind panic hoping you can check out and get baby to the car before you feed them. You’re running on very little sleep, and the normal crying from your hungry or tired infant feels like a dire situation. It’s easy to become singularly focused in moments like this, and when you are in a moment of fight or flight, it can be hard to pull yourself out of that to maintain awareness of potential threats around you. You know it is irrational to get so worked up, but you can’t help it. You’re biologically wired to respond this way.

Solutions for the Conceal Carrying Postpartum Mama

While out and about you want to try to minimize distractions and stressful situations as much as possible. Before you leave make sure baby is fed and changed. I know you already do this.

I am also a fan of baby wearing because of the advantages it can provide to a conceal carrying mama, like myself. Babies who are in a wrap, carrier, or sling, are typically less fussy. Babies like being held close to their parent. Baby wearing won’t keep your baby from fussing at you, but it can decrease the frequency (especially if baby’s other needs have been met). You are also naturally in tune with your baby when they are that close. Moms can often sense when their baby needs to potty, or when they are hungry before they cry if they are held close to you.

conceal carry pregnancy situational awareness postpartum baby wearing
Baby PP loves the ring sling so much they usually fall asleep. They slept through the whole farm tour here!

Wrapping Up Situational Awareness and the Postpartum Mom

It’s hard being a mom. I know you are trying hard to take care of your baby and keep them safe while out in public. It can be discouraging to hear people say to “practicing situational awareness” as a blanket response to keep you and baby safe from violence. Focus on what looks and feels wrong, trust your instincts. Take a deep breath, mama. You’re doing great.

Don’t forget to check out the articles in our ongoing series about conceal carry during and after pregnancy!

Conceal Carry During Pregnancy | The First Trimester

Conceal Carrying for New and Expectant Fathers

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About Ally Corless 39 Articles
Ally is a dog mom to two pups, enjoys cooking, and looking for lizards in her backyard. She dreams of running a fully sustainable homestead for when SHTF. Living zero waste is the ultimate goal.

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