We like to start every year with a retrospective on the preceding 365 days of Primer Peak. Each person who contributed in the previous year picks their favorite article they wrote, which gets brought together here for you. While some of these articles may not have been our most popular, they stand out to us for one reason or another. Here are Primer Peak’s picks for our best articles of 2024.
In 2024 Ally welcomed her first child to the world! This presented her with new challenges and opportunities to learn how her changing body and life interacted with her mindset and process behind carrying a gun. This article kicks off the series, currently spanning five articles, and is still in progress as she and the baby continue to grow.
Daniel Martin isn’t the first person from Primer Peak to attend the Armed Parent, and he certainly won’t be the last either. As another new parent, this course is a no-brainer for him. Check out Daniel Martin’s thoughts on The Armed Parent, and then consider jumping into class with Citizens Defense Research.
Much like Ally, I also welcomed my first child to the world in 2024! There’s a lot to consider in the lead up to baby’s birth and the following months, some of which will dramatically change your perspective on conceal carry. This is should be the first in an ongoing series as both the baby and I continue to grow together, and hopefully this piece helps those who find themselves in similar positions.
“I enjoyed this article putting my own spin on the caliber debate and addressing how we can’t declare victory too early.” – Graham Haley
Jackie has contributed to Primer Peak in the past in other forms, and we’re always happy to see him return. This piece is great for those just getting into the AR game, and applies largely to those using other long guns as well.
WMLs on carry handguns became a hot button topic (again), and I chimed in. Being able to demonstrate good handheld light techniques was something I’d been meaning to get around to, and this topic was the perfect excuse for it.
Sean is one of our heavy hitters when it comes to the way of the gun. He’s a solid shooter, with tons of training, and good real world experience under his belt. On top of that, he’s one of our long time regulars, having written for Primer Peak for over five straight years. In 2024 he jumped into class with Chuck Pressburg. This is one of the more comprehensive reviews I’ve read of Chuck’s No Fail curriculum, and it significantly changed how I picture the course in my mind. If you’ve been thinking about taking a Presscheck course, give this review a read.
I first met Tyler in class with Chuck Haggard back in 2020, and was thrilled to bring him onto the team for 2024. This article has great insight for both first responders and for those protecting their homestead, inside and outside the city.
Things slowed down a little for us in 2024 here at Primer Peak. Multiple babies were born, new jobs were taken, car wrecks happened, and more. That said, I think we still brought out some stellar articles for the year, and kept up with weekly content for our viewers. A couple writers returned after a few year’s hiatus, we added new members to the staff, and our regulars continued their hard work. It’ll be interesting to see what changes 2025 brings us.
If there’s anything you’d like to see, let us know in the comments! Also consider supporting your favorite creators to help them continue to bring you work like you see above.
One of the best things you can do to mitigate risk for both you and…
Wheelgun worshippers, start winding up for a whopper of a whooppee. The folks at American…
It's early 2025 and that means Baby Primer Peak has been home for several months…
A few months ago I wrote about setting up your revolver EDC. That led to…
Earlier this year I spent a few days at home with a fever, cough, and…
Baby wearing is a magical tool for parents. It allows you to be completely hands…