Viking Tactics VTAC MK1 Sling Review: My Favorite Sling

Disclaimer: The VTAC Slings were purchased at the cost of the author.

VTAC MK1 Sling Review Title Image

When looking at what a fighting rifle needs, there tends to be a hierarchy of needs. At the top is a quality firearm, then a white light, then optic, then a sling. Although the sling happens to fall to the bottom of the hierarchy of needs, it is still very important. For the modern fighting rifle, it needs to be durable, quickly adjustable, and quick detachable. Does the Viking Tactics VTAC MK1 sling offer these functions?

What Is The VTAC MK1 Sling?

VTAC is an abbreviation for Viking Tactics, a soft goods and training company. They’ve been around for a while, gaining popularity around the same time that Magpul was releasing the “Magpul Dynamics” videos. VTAC is spearheaded by Kyle Lamb, retired Army Ranger/Delta operator, and generally knowledgeable and skilled shooter. Their products are made here in the USA.

The main idea behind the VTAC MK1 was to create a sling for the 21st century that was useful, and simple. The VTAC MK1 was the first iteration of this design, a quick adjustable two-point sling. It features a two-piece nylon design, with a quick-adjust “tooth” in the middle. There are a myriad of methods you can use to strap the MK1 onto your rifle, and I personally use QD swivels. VTAC and Lamb uploaded a pretty good video on setting up your rifle for the sling too. The function is simple. To make the sling looser, you lift the tooth up, and to make it tighter, you pull on the “slacked” end of the sling.

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The VTAC sling comes in two varieties, standard (MK1), and padded(MK2). The padded version merely adds a cushioning pad onto the section of sling that rests on the shoulder and is otherwise identical. The slings are also available in a mess of colors, although I own the Multicam and Foliage Green.

Is The Viking Tactics VTAC MK1 Sling Good?

Before even touching function, how well is this sling put together? The stitching, and attachment of the hardware are done well. There are always going to be some little bits of thread to snip off, or burn, but nothing that is bad or unforgivable. The plastic buckles and metal tooth are also of great quality, not failing in my years of use.

For me, a sling is first and foremost a retention device, and secondly a tool for carriage of the gun. The sling is secure when mounted properly, and did not fail at all over my testing period.

The desire to be able to adjust quickly was most certainly met too. At the tightest position, the rifle was still maneuverable and could used excellently. When fully loosened, the sling seldom interfered with reloads or transitions to pistol. I generally keep my sling adjusted between “loose” and “tight”, as it provides me great retention, while still offering mobility.

The MK1 can be used as a “hasty” sling, but that really isn’t the intended purpose of it. It works here, but there are better options out there for that kind of shooting.

The padded and non-padded versions of the sling function nearly identically, and should be a preference decision. I like my standard ones more, as they are a pinch lighter weight.

Viking Tactics VTAC MK1 & MK2 Slings
Pick your poison, with the standard MK1, or the padded MK2 slings.

I really don’t have much to say about the use of the sling. For me, a great product is one that I don’t need to think about using while I’m using it. The VTAC MK1 falls into that category; it does everything I need, and nothing I don’t.

Would I Recommend The Viking Tactics VTAC MK1 Sling?

The VTAC MK1 is an easy recommendation. It is my preferred rifle sling for modern sporting rifles.

Part of what leads me to any product is my intended use. I’m not going to buy a sledgehammer to do fine work, and I’m not buying this sling to shoot High-Power matches with. This sling is intended for fast, dynamic use, and really isn’t suited for hunkered down shooting. You should know what you are getting into before doing it, and this sling does not try to be a snake oil salesman. As a “do most things” type of sling, it excels.

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About Paul Whaley 215 Articles
Paul Whaley is a guy with an interest in practical and defensive pistol shooting techniques with an eye for quality gear. He has received training from Holistic Solutions Group, John Johnston of Citizens Defense Research, Darryl Bolke, Cecil Birch, and Chuck Haggard. When not trying to become a better shooter, he can be found enjoying a Resident Evil game or listening to Warren Zevon.

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