Wilson Combat WCP320 Grip Review [2021]

Disclaimer: The Wilson Combat WCP320 Grip was purchased by the Author.

Wilson Combat P320 Featured Image

I picked up a SIG M17 for my B&T USW project back over the Spring, but wanted to grab another standard frame to pair with the gun. Wilson Combat’s other products have not let me down, so I decided to grab the WCP320 Grip. How did it turn out?

What is the Wilson Combat WCP320 Grip?

The WCP320 grip is a replacement grip for the SIG P320 series of handguns. It is advertised as being more ergonomic, better textured, and offering better shooting characteristics over the OEM grip. The WCP320 also has a built in magwell, spots for tungsten weights, and an enhanced beavertail. Grips for safety and non-safety models are offered, with mine being a safety cut model.

They come with an OEM magazine release, however you have to install it yourself. It’s an easy process, and saves you from having to buy one separately. Wilson Combat sells the grips for $64.95 on their website, but I got mine during a recent holiday sale for about $50 shipped.

So this is simply Wilson’s offering for the SIG P320 grip market. I really do like that the FCU being the “firearm”, as it allows for so many aftermarket offerings for grips. What were the features that I liked, and things I didn’t necessarily like?

The Good and Bad of the WCP320 Grip

It’s going to be a mostly positive report about the WCP320 Grip.

Wilson Combat WCP320 Frame Texture
The sunburst pattern on the frame creates great texturing.

The texturing on the WCP320 is excellent. The sides of the frame feature the Wilson Combat sunburst pattern, and the front has a more standard stippling texture. These two combine to allow for excellent grip on the gun, and less “milking” during fire. The frame is fairly thin, which allows for more finger on the trigger, which is good.

Wilson Combat WCP320 Magazine Release Cutout & Beavertail
The deep magazine release cutout and extended beavertail allow for great control over the gun.

The WCP320 has an extended beavertail, which allows for gripping high on the gun for better control. I can report that it was not uncomfortable for AIWB in my Floodlight.

The grip has excellent cutouts for the magazine release. While the included and installed release in my WCP320 is the OEM standard size, it feels like an extended release with how deep the cutout is. I’m enjoying that.

Wilson Combat WCP320 Magwell
The magwell of the WCP320 is beveled for easy insertion.

The magwell on the WCP320 has a very nice, chamfered magwell, allowing for easy magazine insertion. Another one of my favorite things of this grip.

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My only gripe with the WCP320 is the accessory rail. It has a thinning contour at the front of the rail, and combined with the trigger guard being fairly big, leads to a little bit of fitment issues on the X300. I have added a few layers of electrical tape as a shim, which seems to have gotten the wiggle out of the light, but I’d like to see Wilson just do a standard 1913 rail all of the way out on future models. Minor gripe, but still a gripe.

How’d the WCP320 perform in actual use?

Shooting With the WCP320 Grip

With the design of the SIG P320 FCU, the frame itself shouldn’t impact reliability of the firearm. That being said, a poorly made grip could possibly lead to malfunctions. I put about 700 rounds of a smattering of 9mm through my M17 during the testing period, and can happily report no malfunctions.

Wilson Combat WCP320 The Test
I’ll take it.

The positive elements that I listed in the above section really did allow for excellent shooting of the M17. The thinness of the frame, excellent grip texture, extended beavertail, and beveled magwell led to a lot of enjoyment and great shooting. I’ve shot many drills such as The Test with the WCP320 equipped M17, and have greatly preferred this frame over the OEM one.

Holster compatibility was also unaffected, with testing being done with the PHLster Floodlight, Blackhawk Omnivore, and Safariland 6354DO.

The Verdict

I really dig the Wilson Combat WCP320 grip. While I got mine on sale, I’d be fine to pay full price for the next one. It offers a set of features that I enjoy, while maintaining reliability and holster compatibility. I’ve also found that my performance with the same firearm has improved slightly with this grip, so I’m pleased with that too. I’d be happy to recommend this frame for anyone who is looking for a replacement P320 grip.

Wilson Combat WCP320 Side Profile
A solid frame for a solid gun.


About Paul Whaley 216 Articles
Paul Whaley is a guy with an interest in practical and defensive pistol shooting techniques with an eye for quality gear. He has received training from Holistic Solutions Group, John Johnston of Citizens Defense Research, Darryl Bolke, Cecil Birch, and Chuck Haggard. When not trying to become a better shooter, he can be found enjoying a Resident Evil game or listening to Warren Zevon.

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